Stop Press
Australia Day Celebrations 2022
In view of the current Covid situation and the Government recommendation related to over 60’s, we have reluctantly decided to cancel our Australia day celebrations for this year. This decision was not taken lightly but we are concerned about the welfare of our volunteers who are all in the vulnerable category.
The Museum will be open as normal on Australia Day, (being a Public Holiday,) from 1pm to 4.30pm
Normal admission rates will apply . Adults $10, Children 14 and under $3 and pre school children free.
All children will receive a mini Australian Flag.
What a fantastic family fun day at the Historical Village today.Somewhere in the region of 450 adults + heaps of children.Everywhere you looked there were smiling faces.A massive vote of thanks to all our members who did a brilliant job in hot conditions. Well done guys.We had 20 visitors at a time helping to make three 10m ropes which were auctioned off raising $85.00 for the Village . Many Thanks.We were nominated for two Australia Day Awards but did not win.Thanks to all the visitors who came today to support us and make the day a great success.
Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 Virus, we could not hold our “Carols in the Village ” for 2020
Carols in the Village 2019
Australia Day 2020

Antiques Fair 2019
December 2017
Carols in the Village
Carols in the Village will take place on Saturday 2nd December 2017.
Entry Adults $2.00 donation, Children Free.
Gates open 4.30pm, On stage entertainment from 5pm to 6pm. Carols start at 6pm with the entry of the lone piper from the RSL Highland Band, Duncan Birt..
Raffle drawn around 7.30pm. Great prizes.
Great Family event. Best Carols in the Bay . Sing along with Mansong. Fraser Coast Chorus, Makin Whoopee, Xavier Catholic College Junior Choir, Acoustic Jabiru and all our great soloists, Carol Sendall, Jon Vea Vea, Rachel Damms, William Ramage and Chloe Lee Mahoney.
Hot and cold food and drinks. (Hamburgers available this year !! )
Battery operated candles available for purchase.
Visit Santa’s Grotto and see the Elves making toys etc. You may be able to help them.
Bring a chair or blanket and maybe a sweater for later in case it’s a cool night.
Santa will arrive in the 1903 Oldsmobile and give out free lollies (Courtesy of Woolworths Pialba) around 7.45 approx.
For the last two years we have been generously supported by the Fraser Coast Regional Council with a Community Grant.
December 2015
Major disaster on Tuesday December 1st 2015 at the Village. A fire started in the rear building adjacent to the Workshop. It looks like we have lost several vehicles under repair/restoration including our beautiful red 1934 Ford truck, a TE20 Ferguson, maybe two Allis Chalmers tractors, numerous stationary engines and machinery and ALL our tools and machinery, bandsaw, circular saw, lathe, planer, hand tools etc. etc. Not looking forward to clearing up the mess. PS The Carols in the Village will still be going ahead as planned on Saturday 5th Dec.. We are lucky that none of our main buildings or displays are affected.