Antiques & Handcraft Fair 7th May 2022
Due to the inability of the QLD Environment Minister to attend our event, a representative from QLD Parks and Wildlife will make the presentation.
Contact John Andersen or our Office for booking details, Conditions, Stall pricing etc. etc.
8th May 2021.
Where better to celebrate an antiques & collectables Fair than at the home of history in Hervey Bay? The always popular Antiques & Collectors Fair will be held in the Museum grounds, all day, Saturday 8th May 2021
Highlights will include…..
- Rental spaces for anyone wishing to sell their antiques & collectables.
- Buyers have the opportunity to purchase a real treasure.
- Have your “treasure”identified and valued.
- Free “Treasures of the Museum” Tours throughout the day by our expert Museum Volunteers.
- Mystery Objects for you to identify.
- All Village & Museum attractions open throughout the day, with live demonstrations.
- Eats and drinks available all day.
- Plenty of activities for children attending.
Entry for the day is $10 adults, children free.
For further details regarding the day and site bookings, please phone the Museum 41284804. Or John Andersen on 0412166447
Sites Fees on the Day….$30 which includes Museum admission for 2 adults ($20) plus site fee $10.
To secure your site and full details, please contact Museum Site Organiser at the Museum Office 41284804 or John Andersen on 0412166447.
As noted earlier, this is NOT a flea market and commercial items and food stuffs for sale are not permitted in any stall.
With the success of the very popular “BBC ANTIQUES ROADSHOW” and our past experience on similar days at the Hervey Bay Historical Village and Museum, you can be assured of a great day enjoying all that is on offer in the ideal setting of our Museum.
Unfortunately due to Covid Restrictions, the 2020 Antiques Fair had to be cancelled. We look forward to holding our next one in 2021.

Antiques & Collectables Fair (2019)
May 5th 2019 will be the date.
Antiques & Collectables Fair (2018)
Our second Antiques & Collectables Fair will be held on the 19th May 2018 and it promises to be a successful as our first one.
- Sites are available for private sellers, big & small, to SELL their treasures.
- Experts are on hand to identify and value YOUR family heirlooms, free of charge! (Hervey Bay’s own “Antiques Roadshow!)
- There will be hourly personally conducted tours of the Museum featuring “Treasures of the Museum”
- An afternoon auction of items.
- A slide show presentation of Historic Hervey Bay will be running all day.
- Raffle with variety of prizes including collectables.
- Food & Drinks all day.
All Museum buildings will be open, showcasing the many new and exciting Exhibits. Free tractor rides for children, also games such as stilts, quoits etc.
Pre bookings for seller’s site essential.
Entry for the day is $10 adults, children free.
Phone the Museum 41284804 for further details.
Sellers should contact Mrs. Lyn Einam , 040947883 to book a site.
THIS IS NOT A FLEA MARKET! No hand made craft goods, commercially produced modern products, new clothing or food.
Antiques & Collectables Fair (2015)
The 2015 inaugural Antiques and Collectables Fair on the 20th September was a total success with over 400 visitors, many of them bringing along their treasured items to be valued or identified. We were blessed with our usual beautiful Hervey Bay weather. Children enjoyed free tractor rides and old time games like Quoits and Stilts.